Is there any way to get symbols other than the most basic sharps and flats inlined in questions and answers? I've been a little frustrated recently with a) the limitations of Unicode glyphs (for instance, no double sharps or double flats - x and ♭♭ don't really cut it), and b) the limitations of Markdown.
As an example of the latter, I used V in a discussion. The figure I've attached to V here is an illustration I nicked from Wikipedia. If I were to have used <sup> and <sub>, I would have got something like this: V65 - there is no way of backspacing superscripts and subscripts in Markdown.
The problem with this is that these are kludges, and too often they look like (really nasty) kludges. That is, they neither look professional nor are they as easy to read as the proper symbols would be. The typesetting requirements of music theory aren't far behind being as exacting as maths, and Mathematics SE can inline their symbols.
I'm not an expert in Web-based programming, but surely we can do something similar? MusiΧTeΧ maybe?