I recently became aware that we have at least 2 regular chatrooms. The Practice Room for general music p&p chitchat. And The Auditorium for performance critique.
Now, I think this is great in its own right. But it's also great because it's similar to an idea I posted to area 51 for a Master Class site for performance critiques. So it's like I thought of it, too.
But the real story is it keeps getting frozen for inactivity. So, we need to post something at least every 15 days to keepalive the chat room.
So, how about Concerts? And/Or Recitals And/Or "Open Mic Nite?" And/Or Somebody else's great idea for a thing?
Answer with a kind of event or thing (and a rough timetable, like "every Tuesday 12pm UTC for X hours" or "First Friday of the month", etc.) or say "Don't do this" if you don't like this idea at all.