I intend this question as a clearinghouse of polite ways to complete the sentence, "You can take your question and ..."

... visit [someplace else].

Where can you go for shopping recs? Where do you go for song identification? Where do find more songs like your new favorite song?


3 Answers 3


We now have MusicFans.StackExchange.

It's still StackExchange. Same basic rules: Q-and-A, not a forum, but a different focus within the broad topic of Music.


Well, for related songs, there's Pandora. It can dig up some nice stuff.

  • 2
    It's US limited though it was very nice back then when it was free internationally. For an alternative I can recommend whatthefuckshouldilistentonow.com if you don't mind the slang. It's powered by Lastfm and is pretty handy.
    – user1306
    Commented Mar 5, 2013 at 22:32

A lot of our off-topic and non-constructive questions might fit here: http://www.quora.com/Music

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