As our sites has been in public beta for more than 3 years, we have a good user base with a lot of high rep users. Also we have a big lot of medium rep users that has got the magic power of review tools and ability to cast close votes.
It seems like this is beginning to hurt the site as questions that could be rescued by a simple edit is rather closed by trigger happy users with more than 500 rep points. These questions are often suffering from problems that are covered by known off-topic reasons, but can be made worth living and make the internet better by a simple edit to make it fit better with the StackExchange format. I feel that a lot of close votes are cast without trying to do the effort of looking into if the question can be saved by an edit.
See this meta post for some examples:
Please relax the policy on questions that ask for examples of a particular class of compositions
If you look at the Area 51 metrics, you see that the 3000 rep limit that is required for casting close votes on a graduated site, you will see that the recommended number of users are 5 with 3,000+ rep. Currently there are 5 times that (26 users with 3,000+ rep), so this should be well covered even when the site graduates.
Is there any good reasons for the site to not graduate? The only metric on Area51 that is not "Excellent" is the "Questions per day" which is "Okay". Raising the limit of who can access the moderator tools might solve the problem I address in this question. I am anctious to know if the site is close to graduation, or if there are some secret metrics that holds us back. I will not ask for "what is holding us back", but a comment from a super-moderator that knows this can give us a hint to just say if we have a long way to go or not would be very much appreciated!