I wouldn't call it off-topic, but there is a something we should consider as a site as it is very possible for similar questions to go unanswered for a long period of time. Your question was a very localized question about a very specific model of equipment that no one answered but you much later.
In general on a question like this I would expect the person answering has to have it in order to answer it or the documentation of the equipment be available online for someone to research. It is a possibility that no one on the site has that specific model of equipment and the documentation is unavailable for it. Because of this the question may lie unanswered until we get someone else who has that equipment to join the site and answer the question, or the documentation becomes available which may not happen. Neither of these options may happen and the question may go unanswered.
I don't think closing them is a good option, but I also think letting a question sit unanswered forever is any better. We've had questions like this on occasion and we've never really been flooded by them.
I'd say we leave them be, and just be aware that an answer may not come for all questions of this type.