I have received a miscellaneous clip that its author had mixed a piece of music (~ 40 seconds) with some pictures. I extracted the music from the clip and already have recognized the singer of the music track, but identifying the lyrics is very hard because the track's quality is very low.

Can I ask a question to identify track details (which concert/album) by giving (possibly wrong) understood words of the lyrics? or even by giving that trimmed file of the track?

1 Answer 1


Yes, this would be off-topic here. See https://music.stackexchange.com/help/on-topic:

What topics can I ask about here?

Music: Practice & Theory Stack Exchange is for musicians, students, and enthusiasts. If you have a question [that] is not about...

  • [...]
  • genre categorization or other concerns from the perspective of a listener rather than a musician (try Music Fans instead)
  • [...]
  • identifying a song, style/genre, instrument/equipment, technique, chord progression, etc.

Our sister site Music Fans has an identify-this-song tag, but you should review their requirements before posting there.

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