With the recent news of our site graduating from beta, we need to decide if and how our site name should change. This question was raised shortly after we entered beta over three years ago, and nearly that amount of time passed between when the #1 and #2 voted answers were posted.
In light of this, and the fact that it will be some time before SE's designers have some work for us to look at, now is the perfect opportunity to revisit the site rename question with our current membership, so the existing options can be voted upon from an equal footing.
A couple of notes:
- If a rename is agreed upon, this will NOT change our subdomain and URL.
- If you have a suggestion of your own, add it as an answer!
- This is not a discussion about scope -- we should be addressing this within the context of our current scope.
- Editing answers to include more supporting information is OK, but use a comment if you're not sure. If you have a variation of an existing answer, add it as a new one.
Upon posting this, I will supply answers for the existing options and also close the old question. Happy voting!
From this post: As of right now, this site's name is set to change to Music: Practice & Theory.