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5 votes

Should I flag a very old question for migration?

It is not possible, not even for ♦ moderators, to migrate a question older than 60 days. See the FAQ: What is migration and how does it work?
Glorfindel's user avatar
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4 votes

Voting for closure and migration of questions

We've requested it in the past, but migration paths can only be made with sites that are out of beta. Music Fans is very much still in the beta phase of its life cycle. If it gets out of beta I ...
Dom's user avatar
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2 votes

Why was a question about compositional practice migrated to music fans?

It's a good fit at music fans - some of the better-received questions there have been along the lines of "what does this activity entail?". The way I interpret "practice or performance technique" on ...
Нет войне's user avatar
2 votes

Could my migrated question be reinstated here, please

The problem with the question is that it doesn't seem to fit any of our on-topic sections. It does, however, seem to fit in Music Fans. It is not appropriate to put it on a site where it is off topic ...
Doktor Mayhem's user avatar
  • 37k

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