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Questions tagged [abcjs]

For questions about Music Stack Exchange's ABCjs integration, which lets you write sheet music in posts.

7 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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ABCjs: can't set clef in K info field if mode not fully specified and image is cached

See end of post for workaround The following three ABC code samples should be equivalent: X:0 X:0 X:0 K:C bass K:Cmaj bass K:C major bass A,,B,,C, A,,B,,C, A,,B,,C, ...
Aaron's user avatar
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Request to implement ABCjs arpeggio symbol (and a note regarding other decorations)

A question regarding the interpretation of a vertical arpeggio symbol revealed that the SE ABCjs implementation does not render the arpeggio decoration. (An answer attempted to use it.) For example, ...
Aaron's user avatar
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ABC.js does not render on mobile

When viewing answers that use ABC.js, the notation does not render, and I only see a code block with the plaintext ABC.js code. The notation renders correctly only when I view the edit history of the ...
Edward's user avatar
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ABCjs compound time signature numerator not centered properly

When attempting a compound time signature, like 3+2/4, the SE implementation does not properly center the numerator. For example, the code X:0 K:none M:3+2/4 L:1/8 c6 c2 | [M:3+2+3/8] c3 c2 c3 | ...
Aaron's user avatar
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Should ABC code blocks be limited to a certain length before rendering by ABCjs?

I'm finding the "jTab and ABCjs Formatting Sandbox" is taking up to 20 seconds to render fully, and it seems to be because of this post, which is testing a particularly long block of ABC. I'm on an ...
Bacs's user avatar
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Strange issue with ABCjs

I recently answered a question, and I wanted to add notation to provide a better explanation. I'm not yet as experienced as I'd like to, but I tested the code both in the sandbox and in the "...
musicamante's user avatar
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ABCjs misinterprets L:1

The two code blocks below should produce identical results. In Example 1 we have L:1/1, which renders correctly, displaying whole notes; however, in Example 2 L:1 incorrectly renders as eighth notes. ...
Aaron's user avatar
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