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9 votes

Should "Does tuning music to A = 432 Hz versus A = 440 Hz have a measurable effect on listeners?" stay or go

I've seen way too many 432Hz evangelists. It seems wrong to me to not address it, if we are to build a body of music-related knowledge. I'd certainly prefer to have our page on the google search for ...
Edward's user avatar
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8 votes

Should "Does tuning music to A = 432 Hz versus A = 440 Hz have a measurable effect on listeners?" stay or go

I support luser droog and Edward's answers, and for what its worth, I know your answer there is getting downvotes - that isn't your fault, but stems from a debunked study - but the question is good, ...
Doktor Mayhem's user avatar
  • 37k
7 votes

Can we add "Vocal critique" to our list of 'and not about' in the Help/on topic page?

I think this is an excellent idea. We have the existing meta posts, which seem to agree, and the various vocal critique questions we see are almost entirely opinion-based. Even those that aren't would ...
Doktor Mayhem's user avatar
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6 votes

Should "Does tuning music to A = 432 Hz versus A = 440 Hz have a measurable effect on listeners?" stay or go

I think adding to the answer would be the best course. I wasn't aware of the anti-Semitic aspect and it would be good to address this information head on rather than hiding it IMO.
luser droog's user avatar
  • 15.1k
5 votes

Are questions for song identification on topic?

No - from, you can see that "identifying a song, style/genre, instrument/equipment, technique, chord progression, etc." is off topic. However ...
Нет войне's user avatar
4 votes

Should [tag:learning-resources] posts still be considered on-topic or made off-topic?

This has similar problems to the old identification tag where most of its uses were off-topic. I suggest we get rid of the tag we can even edit it as a do not use tag while we try to figure out if a ...
Dom's user avatar
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4 votes

Should "Does tuning music to A = 432 Hz versus A = 440 Hz have a measurable effect on listeners?" stay or go

The question you asked isn't bad. It addresses a popular topic and I see no reason to close it. In your answer you posted quotes from several articles. As another answer points, these articles are bad ...
user1079505's user avatar
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4 votes

Where to ask about BUYING music

There is not a Stack Exchange site for this topic. The upside is that the internet already careers very well for this. Google (and other search engines) provide shopping searches, vendor ratings etc. ...
Doktor Mayhem's user avatar
  • 37k
4 votes

Are "identify this piece" questions on-topic?

No they are not on topic here as our FAQ states: Music: Practice & Theory Stack Exchange is for musicians, students, and enthusiasts. If you have a question about... practice or performance ...
Dom's user avatar
  • 48k
4 votes

Can we add "Vocal critique" to our list of 'and not about' in the Help/on topic page?

Yes please! The questions such as -am I a tenor, or have I a good voice, are no real help - not usually even to the OP. We need to specify that this kind of question isn't a good fit for this site. ...
Tim's user avatar
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3 votes

Why does the identification tag specify instruments, even though those questions might be off-topic?

In general a question open does not mean it's guaranteed to be on topic nor an affirmation we want to make questions like this on topic. I'd love for the site to be consistent, but we do occasionally ...
Dom's user avatar
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3 votes

Why does the identification tag specify instruments, even though those questions might be off-topic?

If: the question rate is low (and that seems to be the case) the general quality of the questions is satisfactory the questions are about music then I don't see how any negatives can be identified ...
uhoh's user avatar
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2 votes

Can we add "Vocal critique" to our list of 'and not about' in the Help/on topic page?

I know this question has been open for a while, but I wanted to throw in a few cents. I think the biggest problem with such questions is their open-endedness, and I'd like to see any help-page ...
Andy Bonner's user avatar
  • 19.2k
2 votes

Questions pertaining Performance reviewal

I would be interested in seeing review requests in chat. Initially at least, such requests seem appropriate for the general chat. Should they become popular (i.e., numerous), a new "reviews" ...
Aaron's user avatar
  • 95k
2 votes

Are questions about teaching music frowned upon?

Five years too late, maybe! Cannot see problems here. A lot of the questions (and answers) relate to teaching - or more specifically, what we might or might not have been taught by teachers - and a ...
Tim's user avatar
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1 vote

The Copyrights tag

I'd suggest to retag current questions and remove the tag unless the tag usage can be rewritten to cover an area clearly within scope. I think previously this came up and there were some suggestions ...
Dom's user avatar
  • 48k

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