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10 votes

Do we accept edits that simply update the characters used for accidentals?

I'd have to agree that an edit like that is non-substantive and should be rejected. I get the utility of unicode chars, and if an edit was fixing numerous other problems, then sure, using the correct ...
Doktor Mayhem's user avatar
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8 votes

Why is no one using jTab for guitar chords?

I don't use it because it won't render in real-time when I'm entering an answer. That means repeatedly saving the post and reopening to edit. jTab has a learning curve and not being able to do ...
empty's user avatar
  • 12.3k
4 votes

ABCjs integration now available

I have found ways to break it, I think. First thing is it seems to be unhappy with too small an excerpt (this is supposed to be one measure of Bs): X: 1 K: C M: 4/4 L: 1/8 B2 B2 B2 B2 |] Also padding ...
Todd Wilcox's user avatar
  • 58.6k
3 votes

Do we accept edits that simply update the characters used for accidentals?

Another reason not to accept these edits (or perhaps even use the symbols at all) is that it can radically change search results. Try individual searches for C#, 'C&sharp', and C♯. As of this post,...
Aaron's user avatar
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3 votes

Why is no one using jTab for guitar chords?

So my first reason for not using it was just... not knowing the syntax. Second reason was - I couldn't find in the docs how to get chord symbols showing without fingering suggestions - but @Your ...
Нет войне's user avatar
3 votes

Do we accept edits that simply update the characters used for accidentals?

Yes, I agree that simply changing the notation of accidentals is not sufficient grounds for an edit. As long as one method of typing is not clearly superior or something, I think any form of clear ...
user45266's user avatar
  • 12.9k
2 votes

Diminished and half-diminished chord notation

Hm... I feel like I'd be in favor of encouraging users to simply spell out the full words whenever possible, "diminished," "half diminished," "augmented," etc. This is ...
Andy Bonner's user avatar
  • 19.2k
2 votes

Do we accept edits that simply update the characters used for accidentals?

Merely changing the characters for sharps flats and naturals doesn't harm the question or answer. It possibly improves the look, but that's about all. It seems one contributor feels duty bound to '...
Tim's user avatar
  • 197k
1 vote

ABCjs integration now available

This is a test, sorry. X: 1 K: perc stafflines=1 L:1/4 "_some text below"B2B2"^some other text above"|B z B z|B1/2 z1/2 z B1/2 z1/2 z|B1/4 z3/4 z B1/4 z3/4 z|] A following test: X:...
musicamante's user avatar
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1 vote

ABCjs integration now available

This is a test to play around with ABC.js features and see how they look. Since it's a CW, feel free to edit it yourself! X:2 T:Bonjour, le monde! C:µeta M:6/16 L:1/16 R:Gigue Français K:Gm I:...
1 vote

Should we agree on requesting ABC music markup now, unequivocally?

With the question "Request Lilypond support from the SE developers" marked as a duplicate of this one I am responding here. Doing something such as enabling MathJax on a site involves asking a ...
Rob's user avatar
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